IBM Research
June 2022 - March 2023
About the project
IBM Research is the core part of IBM which combines science, innovation, and technology to push the boundaries of our known world. It provides a vast array of cloud or non-cloud based services to its researchers. Compute@Research is a one-stop-shop for researchers to obtain and manage services, read documentation and receive guidance on complex topics.
The problem
Researchers at IBM had to go through a very slow and cumbersome process in order to acquire the services needed to do their experiments. That, combined with lack of sufficient documentation and guidance on complex offerings was a real bottleneck for their scientific advances and therefore, for IBM Research’s success and reputation. In addition, there were no thoroughly defined security steps around installation and management of services, and no proper tracking of cost. IBM was paying too much for, at times, duplicative work. All of the above created the appetite for Compute@Research - a tool for researchers to quickly obtain much needed services, and for managers and business to keep track of expenses and provide guidance and support.
The challenges
I had to tackle a complex tech field, and learn enough about it to help me design for the target audience;
Our team was very small, but we had many outside stakeholders and decision-makers, which at times, slowed down our process;
The team was new to UX, and therefore needed some knowledge-sharing. I had to be a true advocate and evangelist for design;
The process
Upon joining the project, I did an analysis of the existing MVP, together with user research to understand if and how the current product meets their needs. The feedback was recorded, analyzed and broken into fragments. Then, a workshop was held to share the feedback with stakeholders and team, and to place it on a feedback and prioritization grid.
The Design Thinking session helped not only level-set expectations and priorities going forward, but also was a great success in solidifying users’ pain points with the current processes. As our product continued to evolve sprint after sprint, I created a user journey map to start mapping out where the product falls short and what opportunities we have for improvement.
In an effort to better understand our users, and create a broader awareness of our audience, I did more user research to create user personas.
Final designs
The takeaways
This project taught me a lot, especially when it comes to navigating complex operational and business scenarios. It challenged me to learn about a topic I was less familiar with. It also confirmed my affirmation that a designer’s role is to make the complex simple, among other facets. The complexity of this subject matter stemmed from the scientific and technological nature of IBM Research, however only through simplifying it and bringing it down to layman’s terms could it become a useful application.